Saturday, February 19, 2011

A is for...

Apple. My apple dress is in another apple treasury today! Very appropriate for this hemisphere at the moment, with apples starting to ripen, yum!

I have a few things to blog about soon, but can't sit for too long as my bum is sore! We got hit by a car this morning (nothing too serious), but we were reversed into when we were crossing the road in town, which knocked me down holding Liv, and I knocked Evie down as I went over, so we had 2 screaming girls who got a hell of a fright. Poor Andrew who tried to stop it from happening but couldn't. We're all ok though.


Donna said...

sending love and healing - what a fright I bet. xx

Ginger_nut said...

Ooh.. being hit by a car is not good- glad you are all okay thou!