Sunday, July 24, 2011

Maia's Market

Wow, what a busy, and very successful day yesterday at Maia's Market! This photo doesn't show my whole stall very well, with the rack you can only see part of in the front there, but it was the busiest part
of my stall, and I came home with only about half of it left! It was the most sales I've ever done in a day, with lots of positive feedback. This market had a really nice vibe to it, and I hope to be part of it again. The market is run by a local school girl and her mum, raising funds for a children's home in the Philippines, they do a fantastic job.


softearthart said...

Congrats, you did super well. nothing like a good market. Your stall looks cool. cheers Marie.

Alicia said...

Thanks Marie, I'll try to do a blog post about your fairy today!

Anonymous said...

Your stall looked great! Glad to hear it was a good day. Marika :)