Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big girl bed

Evie slept in her own bed for the first time last night. She's been quite happy in her cot for the whole night since about when Livinia was born. Prior to that, we co-slept/slept the first part of the night in the cot. The bed has been set up for her since we moved here a bit over a year ago, but she had only wanted to play in it, not sleep. So last night, we bit the bullet, and transferred her from our bed (where she goes to sleep) into her bed, where she slept through the night! We should have done it ages ago. Anyway, this is how I found the bed this morning- she got up around 6:30am, made her bed, put her slippers on, then came into wake me up. How cute is that, even the doll is on the bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is adorable! Congratulations on the restful night! I am currently co-sleeping with my little one, and am a little nervous about when the time comes to transition him to his own bed. It helps to know that other kids have transitioned smoothly and without trauma. Thank you!